DFHS Show 2023 Report & Photographs

Show tables
Les Manwaring from Mere Garden Club receiving one of their trophies

Show Results 2023

Hambro Cup                                Best exhibit class 1-7                                                    Redlynch

Arthur Sheppard cup                 Best exhibit class 8-31                                                 Broadwey and Upwey

Dorset produce Ass. cup            Best exhibit class 32                                                    Iwerne Minster

Ashton cup                                    Best exhibit class 33-35                                               Broadwey and Upwey

Piddle valley wine cup                Best exhibit class 32,38,39                                         Broadwey and Upwey

Ashton cup                                    Best exhibit class 43-64                                               Redlynch

Harry Dawes trophy                     Best pot plant exhibit                                                 Broadwey and Upwey

Arthur Shepherd shield               Best small veg collection                                           Redlynch

Dorset college of Agri. cup          Best fruit exhibit                                                         Ferndown

Wyke Regis shield                                Best vase of chrysanthemums                           Redlynch

Joan Cann trophy                                 Best vase of Dahlias                                             Redlynch

Joy Collins cup                                      Best cactus of succulent                                     Broadwey and Upwey

Ashton Rose cup                                  Best exhibit New Society                                    Mere & District

Bob Jones salver                  Highest points Flowers                                        Redlynch

Frank Goldsack trophy                                                                                                         Mere & District   

Willshire Shield                    Highest points 1-78                                            Redlynch

RHS Banksian Medal                            Class 1-31, 43-78                                                Ferndown

Thanks to Adrian Read for his photographs of the hall and Les Manwaring receiving one of the cups won by New Society entrants Mere & District