Celebrity Speaker organised by Plant Heritage Dorset
On December 2, 2023 2:00pm - 4:30pm at Morden Village Hall BH20 7DL ( 1 mile south of the Worlds End on the A31.)
Plant Heritage apologise for the short notice but Bob Brown is unwell and they have had to cancel the talk at Morden VH on Sat 2nd Dec. There is no prospect of a replacement at such short notice.
If you know of anyone planning to attend please let them know.
A talk by Respected and much loved nurseryman Bob Brown of Cotswold Garden Flowers
Nerines in the Garden.
‘Hardy Nerines and other Winter Treasures’ and the entry details: Admission £5.00 at the door includes tea & coffee (Plant Heritage Members free with Membership Card). Doors open 1.30pm. This is a special pre-Christmas event with a quality prize raffle, homemade cakes and garden gifts/books for sale. For further details please contact Alex Brenton (alexandrob.ab@gmail.com 01929 459496)